CAMP Philippines provides and expands international higher education (university) opportunities for young high school Filipinos.


With 100+ mentors, 200+ mentees, and 500+ conference attendees annually, our CAMPamilya keeps growing. 

CAMP holds an annual study abroad conference to provide students with a holistic understanding of what college abroad really means, from finding your best fit to life in university. 

Additionally, CAMP pairs Filipino high school students with mentors currently studying in colleges all over the world to provide bespoke guidance during the college application process. Whenever possible, students are be paired with a mentor with similar interests, majors, and universities to make the mentorship process as personalized as possible.

Mentorship offers three FREE distinct programs: Intensive, Regular, and Day Camper.


“The best thing about CAMP is the people in it. They will make you feel supported every step of the way. They will do their best to help you in every way they can. I was able to land a volunteering opportunity which really boosted my application through a recommendation from my mentor. Everything they release from the videos to the live panels is very specific and will give you the chance to get to know the process on a much deeper level. Lastly, I got to meet people from all over the world. That's how huge our network is!”

— Mickey Morandante, New York University ‘25

“CAMP was really helpful for me in my last year of high school. It was great having a mentor who had gotten into the schools I really wanted to go to - nothing like some firsthand advice, always available. I'm really grateful for the mentorship, and now I have this great network of friends that I wouldn't have met if not for CAMP.”

— Lorenzo Quiogue, Princeton University ‘17

“Looking back, I can say without any sliver of doubt that none of this would have been possible without CAMP's help. Just last May 2015, I only had my eyes set on staying in the country for my undergraduate studies. It was not until I received correspondence from CAMP, urging me to consider applying abroad, that I actually found the courage to pursue a dream I once thought was simply too ambitious.

With this, I would just like to thank you. Thank you for seeing potential in me when I myself failed to do so myself. Thank you for providing me with the push I needed to step out of my comfort zone and take a tremendous risk for my future. And, most importantly, thank you for showing me how to aspire for, to act on, and to achieve something greater than what I could ever have imagined.

Keep up the great work - your dedication to helping Filipino students succeed and shine abroad is truly inspiring.”

— Christine Anabo, New York University ‘20

All I really thought of before was to be a top-notcher at local college entrance tests, get a good GPA, top the board exams, get a good job, get rich, and then retire. But, when CAMP came, everything changed. People told me that you had to have contacts or money to be able to study abroad. CAMP completely changed that and more. When I started applying to colleges abroad, I initially thought that it was all about prestige, but when the decisions letters and campus tour invitations came, I realized that life is not just mere competition, but making the most out of who we truly are. CAMP has taught me how to be brave to try out things undone before, even when it seems impossible to achieve. CAMP did not just help me get a better future but also helped me to live life.

— Jason Carlo Carranceja, Yale-NUS ‘18